After seven years of hosting this international water diplomacy workshop with several hundred participants from more than 30 countries, we are exploring different format to offer the workshop at the national and regional level with more focused topics by highlighting regional contents and involving previous water diplomacy participants from the region with our “Train the Trainer” model. Here are our preliminary thoughts on this:
  • Develop and deliver a 3-5 day regional water diplomacy workshop in a region/country using some water case studies from the region.
  • Invite 30-40 participants from the region (you can decide to include participants from private, public, NGO, and other water related organizations)
  • Involve 2-3 previous water diplomacy workshop participants from the region as “Trainer” for this regional workshop. They may deliver some of the lectures in local/regional language (Arabic, Spanish, Urdu, etc) as appropriate.
  • This model can deliver the content to a much larger audience with a much smaller per participant cost.
Please send us an email ( to explore this new model of regional water diplomacy workshop with you.