Requisitely Simple 1 to 10-day Flood Forecasts

The modeling approach examines the utility of a data-based modeling framework that identifies key variables and processes of basin rainfall-runoff and provides forecasts for up to 10-day lead-time

Operational Daily Flood Forecasts (Experimental)

Since 2017 monsoon, the ReqSim model has been generating experimental day to day forecasts for the regional GBM rivers and local alluvial river systems of Bangladesh

GBM Forecasts

Provides the daily forecasts of the outlet river points of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) basins inside Bangladesh

Bangladesh Forecast

Provides daily forecasts of major river points inside Bangladesh for up to next 10 days. The forecast locations include river points along the major river system of Bangladesh, such as the Padma, Jamuna, Old Brahmaputra, Gorai, Madhumati, etc.

Floodplain Forecast

[Not available yet] Provides two-dimensional flood propagation (areal coverage and flood depth) forecast for up to next 10 days in the left bank of the Jamuna River and both in the left and right bank of the Padma River

Forecast Performance

Provide a real-time forecast performane of the ReqSim model’s forecast in the GBM and Bangladesh river point

GBM Hydrometeorology

Real-Time GPM/TRMM Observed Rainfall

Real-time GPM and TRMM rainfall of South Asia. The rainfall map is prepared every day during flood season.


Real-time GFS/WRF forecasted rainfall of South Asia.


Maps showing monsoon rainfall status and a comparison with respect to long-term average


[Not available yet] Current streamflow and water level condition of Bangladesh’s major rivers

A Simple But Accurate Approach to Forecast Floods

Our Partners


Requisitely Simple (ReqSim) is a flood forecasting system of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) river basins in South Asia and provides forecasts for the major rivers in Bangladesh. The model with “requisite simplicity”—relying on flow persistence, aggregated upstream rainfall, and flow travel time—can provide reliable flood forecasts for up to 10 days lead time

Get In Touch

Engineering Faculty Science & Engineering Complex, Anderson Hall, Room 204
School of Engineering
Tufts University, 200 College Avenue
Medford, MA 02155

Phone: 617.627.3211 | Fax: 617.627.3994