The Research Coordination Network
The R.C.N. is a group of researchers and practitioners from institutions on 5 continents. In 2011, they won a grant from the National Science Foundation to grow a diverse community of water scholars and practitioners, as well as complex systems scientists, social scientists, and information technologists from around the world. Their goal is to create actionable water knowledge that synthesizes theory and practice across disciplines. RCN Partner institutions and the primary Water Diplomacy POCs are listed below.
RCN Partner Institutions
Tufts University; School of Engineering and Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy (Shafiqul Islam (PI))
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Lawrence Susskind (co-PI))
Administrative Staff College, India (Srinivas Chary)
Arava Institute, Israel (Clive Lipchin)
Arizona State University (John Anderies)
Center for Environmental GIS, Bangladesh (Ahmadul Hassan)
Columbia University (Ben Orlove)
Columbia University (Upmanu Lall)
CUAHSI (Richard Hooper)
Environment for Development Initiative, Costa Rica (Carlos Munoz Brenes)
Florida International University (Fernando Miralles)
Harvard University (Steven Caton)
Institute of Environmental Professionals, Malawi (Robert Matengula)
Institute of Water & Flood Management, Bangladesh (Rezaur Rahman)
Institute of Water Security, Ethiopia (Seide Wondwosen)
New England Complex Systems Institute (Yaneer Bar-Yam)
Oregon State University (Aaron Wolf)
The Pacific Institute (Peter Gleick)
RMC Water and Environment (Najmus Saquib)
South Asia Consortium of Interdisciplinary Water StudiesĀ (Peter Mollinga)
South Florida Water Management District (Jaynatha Obeysakera)
Stockholm Environmental Institute (David Purkey)
Third World Centre for Water Management, Mexico (Cecilia Tortajada)
U. of Dundee; Center for Water Law, Policy & Science (Patricia Wouters)
Universisdad Nacional Del Litoral, Argentina (Virginia Venturini)
University of California (Ben Crow)
University of Maryland (Rita Colwell)
University of Washington (Marina Alberti)
Wright State University; Urban Affairs and Geography (Enamul Choudhury)
Wright State University; Computer Science (Amit Sheth)