GPM Observed Rainfall

Real-time GPM rainfall of South Asia. The rainfall map is prepared every day during flood season.

GPM Real-time Observed Rainfall for the Last 7 days

Animated TRMM rainfall in South Asia for the last 7 days. The rainfall map is prepared every day during the flood season (June-October)

Heavy Rainfall in South India During Kerala Flood, August 2018

Animated TRMM rainfall and below normal, normal, and above normal rainfall in South India from August 05-15, 2018. Rainfall statistical analysis is based on the 1998-2017 data.

Rainfall During Cyclone Bulbul, November 2019

Animated TRMM rainfall during Cyclone Bulbul in the Bay of Bengal and the Coastal area of India and Bangladesh (November 04-10, 2019)

Heavy Rainfall in North Carolina, USA During Cyclone Florence

Animated TRMM rainfall and below normal, normal, high, and extreme high rainfall in North Carolina and surrounding states in USA during September 10-15, 2018. Rainfall statistical analysis is based on the 1998-2017 data.

Rainfall During Cyclone Fani, May 2019

Animated TRMM rainfall during Cyclone Fani in the Bay of Bengal and the Coastal area of India and Bangladesh (April 28 – May 05, 2019)

GPM Observed and GFS Forecast Rainfall

Observed GPM rainfall for the last 7 days and GFS forecast rainfall for the next 5 days. The rainfall map is prepared every day during flood season.

Monsoon Overview of the GBM Basin

Provides the GBM river basin monsoon overview since the beginning of the current monsoon season. The season progress is compared with the last two mega floods in these basins such as the floods in 1998 and 2007. The GBM domain separation for rainfall aggregation is available here.

Current River Condition in Bangladesh

[The section is not active yet] Provides an overview of water level (i.e., flooding) conditions of major rivers in Bangladesh in the central and northern regions.